Since Roland's 30th birthday extravaganza trip to vegas and los angeles, I have fallen off the work out, eat healthy band wagon AGAIN. I stopped logging my food, running and working out all together. I don't like yo-yo dieting or fad diets so when I muster up enough will power I try to go back to eating
clean . For the past couple of weeks I have been taking inventory on myself to see when would be a good day to start working out and being conscious of my food again, well today happened to be the day. Roland and I ran today. He took his normal path and I took the shorter path. Though it was a little hard for me it still felt good to be outside and to breath outside air. During my run I also meditated on my diet and how I can help myself eat clean. At the end of my run I came to the conclusion to have a vegetarian diet for three months. (my vegetarian diet will include seafood but no chicken). to help me I also created a profile at the eating clean website. If your interested
here it is.
To help myself with my goal I am going to plan my meals every sunday for the week. I will also go grocery shopping every sunday for the week. and I will keep a food and workout journal.
what are your goals for the new year?
*picture taken by moi in NOLA at a vegetarian restaurant